Liczba pozycji: 11
Tips of successful people – ebook
Łukasz Sobczak
Book for people who want to achieve success in life, have their goals, and strive to accomplish them. This book contains many proven and safe pieces of advice, drawn from numerous successful individuals. It is a good solution for both young entrepreneurs and individuals who know what they want from life, as well as those who are still searching for it. Inside, you will find plenty of proven tips, a lot...Data dostępności:
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How to become an entrepreneur and be successful in business — advice of real entrepreneurs – ebook
Łukasz Sobczak
This magnificent book contains an incredible collection of tips from famous entrepreneurs. It will guide you on how to become an entrepreneur and achieve success in business. This book is perfect for individuals who want to start their first business. Among others, you will find advice from Donald Trump, Richard Branson, Elon Musk, Steve Jobs, and many more. If you want to learn about real entrepreneurship...Data dostępności:
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In the era of changes leading to a new dimension of socio-economic life, the importance of quality management of a non-governmental organization becomes more relevant. Currently, in many Non Profit Organizations (NPOs) called also Non-Profit Organizations (NPOs) entrepreneurship has entered its dimension, as well as the implementation of the mission based on higher social values. With its own potential...Data dostępności:
Public-private partnership - theory, best practices and the newest polish experience – ebook
Michał Wolański Wiktor Mrozowski Mateusz Zaremba
"Public-Private Partnership is one of the most controversial solutions within modern public sector management concepts. Its enthusiasts and opponents can have discussions lasting hours, supporting their argumentation by data and examples of successful and failed projects. One is sure - even their enthusiasts confirm, that a PPP project will be a failure, unless the partnership is well prepared and...Data dostępności:
Work, Enterprise, Career in the English Language, Literature and Culture – ebook
Marek Błaszak
This monograph focuses on the ever topical issues of work, enterprise and career in the English language, literature and culture. Its first part is devoted to language studies and analyses the metaphors of work in the English translation of the Polish Kodeks pracy, the functioning of modal expressions in the UK's Employment Rights Acts of 1996, and the problems that legal terms and expressions pose...Data dostępności:
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Costs, Organization and Management of Hospitals – ebook
A successful health care unit means meeting patients’ expectations, taking advantage of the latest organizational and technological solutions and, at the same time, providing financial balance. To achieve such a success the units have to put stress on modern methods of management, taking into account the cost analysis, its structure, controlling and caring about income. It is surprising why it has...Data dostępności:
The Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership The 21st Century Agreement – ebook
Wojciech Bieńkowski Adam K. Prokopowicz Anna Dąbrowska
Among several trade agreements recently concluded, TTIP is of a particular importance. It connects two leading economic power centers of the world - the European Union and the United States of America. Jointly they cover half of the world’s GDP. Regardless the particularities of the Agreement actual and potential confl icts of interests, protectionist policies and the like, the sheer weight of such...Data dostępności:
Błogosławione życie – ebook
Robert T. Morris
Odkryj nagrodę za hojność, odnieś sukces w trudnych ekonomicznie czasach. Książka, którą trzymasz w rękach, może zmienić na lepsze twoje życie, gwarantując ci fi nansową wolność. Może jednak uczynić coś więcej, poprzez dokonanie zmian w każdej dziedzinie twojego życia – małżeńskiego, rodzinnego, w relacjach z innymi. Jeśli Bóg przemieni twoje serce, pozbawiając cię egoizmu, a zasiewając w jego miejsce...Data dostępności:
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Sustainable development: Innovations in business – ebook
Innovation and sustainable development have become buzzwords in the 21st century with the idea of creative destruction launched by Joseph Alois Schumpeter being the base for evolutionary economics. However, new institutional economics helps to understand the necessity of support provided to entrepreneurs and innovators by science and administration to reduce the risk of launching the said innovations....Data dostępności:
Miejscy srebrni single w Polsce: Sytuacja materialna. Konsumpcja. Zachowania konsumenckie i trendy – ebook
Tomasz Zalega
Monografia przybliża zjawisko konsumpcji i zachowań konsumenckich samotnych osób starszych oraz dostarcza niezwykle cennych informacji dla przedsiębiorstw oraz prowadzonej przez rząd polityki gospodarczej, społecznej i kulturalnej. Opracowanie umożliwia pogłębienie wiedzy na temat zachowań samotnych osób starszych na rynku i wynikających z tego konsekwencji mikro- i makroekonomicznych. Autor publikacji...Data dostępności:
Salespedia - Sales Revelation – ebook
Thomas J. Gralak
Whether you sell Nintendo, Laptops, Ps4, Airpods, Tablets, Headphones, iPhone, Game of Thrones costumes and makeup, Lego, Fitbit and switches, TVs, Harry Potter spells and attire, Airplanes, Companies, Businesses, Real estate or any other possible thing; you fall under the category of a salesperson. Not only that, any profession you can possibly dream of, that too is under the category of a salesperson....Data dostępności: