Liczba pozycji: 6
European Union - China. Trade Relationships. In the 70 years of born anniversary and 47 years of scientific work – ebook
Zdzisław W. Puślecki
In this research work, Author focus on the analysis of the trade relationships between European Union and People Republic China. Realistic point is important trends in the trade regime between EU and China. China is already in the process of rebalancing its economy towards greater reliance on domestic drivers of growth, in particular consumption. In order to continue its fast convergence in living...Data dostępności:
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Arrowsmith – ebook
Sinclair Lewis
“Arrowsmith” is a book by Sinclair Lewis an American writer. In 1930, he became the first writer from the United States to receive the Nobel Prize in Literature. “Arrowsmith” is a novel by Sinclair Lewis. It won the 1926 Pulitzer Prize (which Lewis declined). Arrowsmith tells the story of bright and scientifically minded Martin Arrowsmith of Elk Mills, Winnemac (the same fictional state in which...Data dostępności:
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Chrysis – ebook
Eneasz Sylwiusz Piccolomini
Pierwsze polskie tłumaczenie nowołacińskiej komedii „Chrysis” autorstwa Eneasza Sylwiusza Piccolominiego (późniejszego papieża Piusa II), dokonane przez Ewę Skwarę. Znakomity przykład komedii humanistycznej, która powstała w XV-wiecznej Italii jako wyraz imitacji i twórczego współzawodnictwa z utworami Plauta i Terencjusza. Pełne opracowanie naukowe przeznaczone dla badaczy humanizmu renesansowego,...Data dostępności:
Green economy and agribusiness. New agrarian transformation in Belarus – ebook
Bartosz Mickiewicz
The book is the result of the author's 20 years experience in processes of Belarussian agriculture transformation. It presents formation of a model of sustainable development of agribusiness based on the principles of "green economy" in post-soviet countries on the example of Belarus. The scientific novelty of the obtained results lies in the development of the conceptual framework for the formation...Data dostępności:
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Migrations in the Slavic Cultural Space From the Middle Ages to the Present Day – ebook
Zofia A. Brzozowska Piotr Kręzel Izabela Lis-Wielgosz
The volume consists of materials that were presented during the international scientific conference entitled Migrations in the Slavic Cultural Space, held at the Department of Slavic Philology of the UL on May 6, 2022, in cooperation with researchers from the Institute of History Belgrade. This symposium received an extraordinary amount of attention in the circles of specialists representing various...Data dostępności:
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Strategoí: early Byzantine military commanders in the times of Zeno and Anastasius (474-518) – ebook
Mirosław J. Leszka Szymon Wierzbiński
The presented book focuses on the commanders of the early Byzantine army during the reign of Emperors Zeno and Anastasius I. The publication is divided into five main parts. The first part presents the Byzantine army, the command of which was the basis for the position of the commanding staff in society. The second part was devoted to the policies of Zeno and Anastasius I regarding the appointment...Data dostępności:
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