Liczba pozycji: 9
Studia Iuridica. Number 67 – eprasa
Krzysztof Szczucki Valeri Vachev
Journal in the field of legal sciences. Issued since 1974. The authors of the texts are not only outstanding scientists, but also Polish and foreign practitioners. They describe and explain problems appearing in Polish and other law as well as in international law. The magazine publishes articles in Polish, English, Russian and German.Data dostępności:
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Studia Iuridica. Number 66 – eprasa
Łukasz Pisarczyk
Journal in the field of legal sciences. Issued since 1974. The authors of the texts are not only outstanding scientists, but also Polish and foreign practitioners. They describe and explain problems appearing in Polish and other law as well as in international law. The magazine publishes articles in Polish, English, Russian and German.Data dostępności:
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Studia Iuridica. Number 65 – eprasa
Małgorzata Król-Bogomilska
Journal in the field of legal sciences. Issued since 1974. The authors of the texts are not only outstanding scientists, but also Polish and foreign practitioners. They describe and explain problems appearing in Polish and other law as well as in international law. The magazine publishes articles in Polish, English, Russian and German.Data dostępności:
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Studia Iuridica. Number 62 – eprasa
Ewa Gmurzyńska
Journal in the field of legal sciences. Issued since 1974. The authors of the texts are not only outstanding scientists, but also Polish and foreign practitioners. They describe and explain problems appearing in Polish and other law as well as in international law. The magazine publishes articles in Polish, English, Russian and German.Data dostępności:
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Studia Iuridica. Number 63 – eprasa
Ewa Gmurzyńska
Journal in the field of legal sciences. Issued since 1974. The authors of the texts are not only outstanding scientists, but also Polish and foreign practitioners. They describe and explain problems appearing in Polish and other law as well as in international law. The magazine publishes articles in Polish, English, Russian and German.Data dostępności:
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Studia Iuridica. Number 64 – eprasa
Adam Brzozowski Dorota Krekora-Zając
Journal in the field of legal sciences. Issued since 1974. The authors of the texts are not only outstanding scientists, but also Polish and foreign practitioners. They describe and explain problems appearing in Polish and other law as well as in international law. The magazine publishes articles in Polish, English, Russian and German.Data dostępności:
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Studia Iuridica. Number 60 – eprasa
Jakub Stelina Łukasz Pisarczyk
Czasopismo z zakresu nauk prawnych. Wydawane od 1974 roku. Autorami tekstów są nie tylko wybitni naukowcy, ale również praktycy polscy i zagraniczni. Opisują i wyjaśniają problemy pojawiające się w prawie polskim i innych krajów, a także w prawie międzynarodowym. W czasopiśmie publikowane są artykuły w językach polskim, angielskim, rosyjskim i niemieckim. Journal in the field of legal sciences....Data dostępności:
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Kronos 2/2021 Neoplatonizm – eprasa
Opracowanie zbiorowe
Kolejny numer kwartalnika „Kronos”, którego tematem jest neoplatonizm, teurgia i starożytne próby przebóstwienia ciała, w tym Porfiriusz, List do Anebona, Jamblich, O misteriach egipskich (fragmenty), Proklos, Teologia Platońska (fragmenty), Proklos, O świętych technikách, John Dillon o teurgii i przebóstwieniu materii, Gregory Shaw o współczesnym znaczeniu starożytnych doktryn soteriologicznych....Data dostępności:
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Polish Archaeology in the Mediterranean 24/1 – eprasa
Opracowanie zbiorowe
The first fascicle of the annual journal on Polish excavations carried out in the Eastern Mediterranean and Near East chronicles Polish archaeological presence in the region, from Cyprus to Sudan and from Egypt to Armenia, in the seasons of 2012 and 2013. The excavated data is presented in the form of general reports and detailed studies encompassing different fields of research, from art history...Data dostępności:
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